Why Home Matters

Evidence on the Impacts of Homeownership

Affordable homeownership helps create the conditions that free families from instability, stress, and fear - and encourages self-reliance and confidence. Studies show that strong and stable households are foundational to child development and growth. When a home fosters — instead of hinders — health and safety, families can flourish. Owning an affordable home also allows homeowners to lift up their entire family by saving for their futures and investing in educational opportunities — bolstering job opportunities and long-term career growth.

Through a series of evidence briefs highlighted below, Habitat for Humanity International is bringing to light research on the barriers to affordable housing and the incredible impact homeownership has on individuals, families, and communities.

Outcomes of Affordable Housing.png

Access to stable and affordable housing improves health and reduces health care costs. Read the brief here.

U.S Research and Measurement Team. (2021). How does housing impact health? [Evidence brief]. Habitat for Humanity International.

Homeownership can transform lives. Read the brief here

U.S Research and Measurement Team. (2020). Who has access to homeownership? [Evidence brief]. Habitat for Humanity International.

Racial inequities and barriers to homeownership decrease access to health, education, and wealth building. Read the brief here

U.S Research and Measurement Team. (2021). How do racial inequities limit homeownership opportunities? [Evidence brief]. Habitat for Humanity International.

 Improving affordable homeownership leads to numerous outcomes that extend beyond the house. Read the brief here

U.S Research and Measurement Team. (2020). What are the benefits of homeownership? [Evidence brief]. Habitat for Humanity International.

Homeownership promotes wealth building. Read the brief here

U.S Research and Measurement Team. (2020). How does homeownership contribute to wealth building? [Evidence brief]. Habitat for Humanity International.


New Evidence Brief coming in early 2022