Donor Advised Funds

In this pandemic, we cannot restore good health without maintaining access to good homes. Habitat South Carolina is committed to playing a critical role in ensuring South Carolinians are able to shelter in a safe and affordable home during the pandemic and for years to come.

Habitat homeowners are Sout Carolina residents earning 30-60% of the regional area median income. Prior to becoming homeowners, families may have experienced need of decent shelter due to a variety of circumstances-unpredictable rent increases, overcrowded living conditions, damaged or dilapidated structures, unsafe neighborhoods, or lack of access to land and affordable financing.

We invite you to recommend Habitat for Humanity South Carolina as an organization to support through your donor advised fund. Your support will empower South Carolinians to obtain strength, stability, and self-reliance.

You can designate directly by recommending grants from Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund. If your DAF is not listed, contact the host directly to recommend a grant.

Habitat for Humanity Veteran program | South Carolina

Every contribution makes a positive difference in the lives of hardworking families across South Carolina.

If you have any questions, contact Nancy Lee at